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EK Archery Cobra Adder Review

EK Archery Cobra Adder Review - Tactical Archery

The EK Archery Cobra Adder is taking the archery world by storm. It's based on the highly popular Cobra R system and has many new features. 

The Adder brings something entirely new and innovative, which is the top mount magazine that is capable of holding 5 bolts. 

It's the world's first self-loading crossbow that is cocked using an integrated cocking level.

Today, we're going to take a closer look at this highly sought after crossbow in our EK Archery Cobra Adder Review.

Let's get into it...


When it comes to specifications, the EK Archery Cobra Adder is a performance powerhouse.

It's incredibly powerful whilst still being able to maintain accuracy and range, even at impressive distances.

The adjustable AR-stock ensures easy shoulder mounting and helps with stability.

EK Archery Cobra Adder Review

Having an integrated cocking lever also ensures that cocking the crossbow is easy, even for those who are on the weaker side.

Below are the manufacturers specifications of the Adder:

  • Speed/Feet per second: 270FPS
  • Draw Weight: 130lbs
  • Power Stroke: 7.5"
  • Weight: 5.2lbs
  • Length: 21.5"
  • Colour: Black

Package includes;

  • The Adder Crossbow
  • 5 x 7.5" Carbon Bolts (blue vanes , 100 grain tip)
  • 1x Aluminum Red-dot Sight
  • 1x Fore grip
  • 1x Shoulder Sling
  • 1x Safety Glasses
  • 1x Butt Stock with buffer tube
  • 1x Stringer
  • 1x spare string + limb caps
  • 1x lube wax


The Adder already includes many customisations without having to purchase additional pieces.

However, for those that do want to go the extra mile, there are some additional customisations that work well with the Adder.

Tactical light & Laser 

One customisation that does not come with the Adder that can be a real game changer is a tactical light and laser.

Adding a light allows you to shoot in low light situations, perfecting for shooting in forests or at dusk.

You will need to invest into a mount which attaches to the end of the crossbow, but once attached it's just a case of simply attaching a light and laser to the mount and your good to go.


Whilst a bipod does not come as standard with this crossbow, it is certainly possible to attach one.

The Adder is designed to shoot at distances between 10 - 25m, but it's capable of shooting at up to 50m with some modifications.

If you are looking to shoot at further distances, we would recommend investing into a bipod as this adds stability and allows the shooter to be more accurate.


The adder is already incredibly stable without the need for a foregrip thanks to the level cocking system.

It's comfortable to hold and aim without adding this, but as it comes with the crossbow as standard, it's a great addition that can enhance shooting.

EK Archery Cobra Adder Review

Red Dot Sight

Also included with the Adder is an easily fitted red dot sight that places the target and reticle on almost the same optical plane.

This allows the shooter to keep their attention on the target and in their field of view which can help with accuracy.

Not only that, but a red dot sight allows for fast acquisition shooting which combines perfectly with the Adders fast-cocking lever.


The included adjustable AR-stock is a way for the shooter to brace the crossbow firmly and increase aiming stability significantly.

It also allows the shooter to more easily aim the crossbow and have more control over the crossbow.

Being adjustable means the stock is beneficial for both large and small occupants, and given that it comes free with the crossbow, it's a no-brainer to add in our opinion.


Adding a sling to the Adder is incredibly easy and allows you to carry the crossbow much easier than without.

A sling secures the crossbow to your body and keeps it in place whilst you are moving.

Perfect for those that are hunting with the Adder or traversing across distances. 

It also comes free as standard inside the box which is an added bonus. 

Pros & Cons

The Adder is one of the most popular crossbow on the market, and for good reason, but as with any product it's not without it's drawbacks.

Below we've listed some of the pros and cons of the EK Archery Cobra Adder:


  • Affordable - Priced at £329.95, the Adder offers excellent value for money. It comes with many customisations as standard in the box that rally enhance using this crossbow.
  • Powerful - At 270fps and 130lbs draw weight, the Adder is certainly packs a punch. It's by no means a toy and should only be used by experienced crossbow shooters. 
  • Design - The Adder is made from durable, high-quality materials that feel highly premium. The design is strong, premium and looks great.
  • Fast shooting - Thanks for the integrated cocking lever, the Adder offers incredibly fast shooting and swift follow up shots. 
  • Customisable - This crossbow is highly customisable and even comes with multiple addons as standard. Adding a scope, bipod, light and laser are all options for this crossbow if required.
  • Easy integrated cocking lever - Undoubtedly one of the main attractions of the Adder is the integrated cocking lever. It's easy to use, allows the shooter to follow up with additional shots and takes the power requirement out of cocking. It's great for those that are on the weaker side or people who don't want to use a cocking device.


  • Included bolts are thin - The bolts that are included as standard with the Adder are not ideal. After 5-7 times of shooting they start to thin and are more likely to break. 
  • String wear - Another con of the Adder is that the string can begin wearing rather quickly. The string is replaceable, but its worth noting that you may notice the string starting to wear after a couple of months.

 EK Archery Cobra Adder Review

Final Thoughts

As a whole, there is no doubt that the EK Archery Cobra Adder is an exceptional crossbow.

The value for money offered with the Adder is exceptional, with a fair price tag and multiple attachments included, it's the perfect crossbow for someone looking for a reliable shooter.

Made from durable, high quality materials and also looking the part, this tactical crossbow can be used in many environments.

The cocking lever makes it easy for anyone to cock the Adder, and the 5-shot magazine is great for quick follow up shots when needed. 

Hopefully you've enjoyed our EK Archery Cobra Adder Review and have learned something new about this crossbow.

If you do feel like this may be the perfect crossbow for you, check out our product page below where you can find accurate pricing and more information.

👉 EK Archery Cobra Adder Product Page

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